Neus Sabater

Optical Image Processing for Earth Surface Changes Detection


Where is she NOW? - Researcher, Immersive Lab, Technicolor's Rennes Research and Innovation Center.

"The surface of Earth is constantly changing as a result of several processes. These changes with time concern the geometry of the surface (e.g. earthquakes). The study of such changes receive major interest of the scientific community because of the broad applications. My work will focus on the mathematical and experimental study of the fusion of temporal series of Earth optical images in order to detect geometrical surface changes. The images to be considered will become from different acquisition systems as push-broom systems and aerial images. The work to be accomplished include the study of local and global stereovision techniques which can be applied to satellite imagery and the mathematical study of an a contrario model for images from different scale and time acquisition in order to obtain very accurate (subpixel) deformation fields." (April 2010).


  1. “Dataset and Pipeline for Multi-View Light Field Video”. Neus Sabater, Guillaume Boisson, Benoit Vandame, Paul Kerbiriou, Frederic Babon, Matthieu Hog, Remy Gendrot, Tristan Langlois, Didier Doyen, Olivier Bureller, Arno Schubert, Valérie Allié. CVPR - Light Field Workshop. May 16, 2017
  2. “An Image Rendering Pipeline for Focused Plenoptic Cameras”. Matthieu Hog, Neus Sabater, Benoit Vandame, Valter Drazic. IEEE Transactions of Computational Imaging. May 16, 2017
  3. “Light Field Segmentation Using a Ray Based Graph Structure”. Matthieu Hog, Neus Sabater, Christine Guillemot. ECCV'16. October 08, 2016
  4. “Motion Driven Tonal Stabilization”. Oriel Frigo, Neus Sabater, Julie Delon, Pierre Hellier. IEEE transactions on Image Processing. September 01, 2016
  5. “On plenoptic sub-aperture view recovery”. Mozhdeh Seifi, Neus Sabater, Valter Drazic, Patrick Perez. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO). September 01, 2016
  6. “Split and Match: Example-based Adaptive Patch Sampling for Unsupervised Style Transfer”. Oriel Frigo, Neus Sabater, Julie Delon, Pierre Hellier. IEEE International conference on pattern recognition, CVPR. June 01, 2016
  7. “Stabilisation tonale de vidéos”. Oriel Frigo, Neus Sabater, Julie Delon, Pierre Hellier. Gretsi 2015. September 10, 2015
  8. “Motion driven tonal stabilization”. Oriel Frigo, Neus Sabater, Julie Delon, Pierre Hellier. IEEE ICIP. September 10, 2015
  9. “Optimal Transportation for Example-Guided Color Transfer”. Oriel Frigo, Neus Sabater, Vincent Demoulin, Pierre Hellier. 12th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV 2014). November 03, 2014
  10. “Disparity guided demosaicking of light field images”. Mozhdeh Seifi, Neus Sabater, Valter Drazic, Patrick Perez. ICIP 2014. October 29, 2014
  11. “Accurate disparity estimation for plenoptic images”. Neus Sabater, Mozhdeh Seifi, Valter Drazic, Gustavo Sandri, Patrick Perez. ECCV Workshop. September 10, 2014
  12. “Fusion of Kinect depth data with trifocal disparity estimation for near real-time high quality depth maps generation”. Guillaume Boisson, Paul Kerbiriou, Valter Drazic, Olivier Bureller, Neus Sabater, Arno Schubert. IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Conference Stereoscopic Displays & Applications (SD&A), San Francisco, 2-6 February 2014. March 03, 2014
  13. “A Precise Real-time Stereo Algorithm”. Valter Drazic, Neus Sabater. IVCNZ '12. November 26, 2012