Steering Committee Steering Committee

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee includes representatives from Caltech and JPL, providing guidance and expertise on KISS activities, including the technical review of KISS study programs.

Image of Jack Beauchamp

Jack Beauchamp

Mary and Charles Ferkel Professor of Chemistry, California Institute of Technology

Image of Becky Castano

Rebecca Castano

Directorate Technologist, Interplanetary Network Directorate, Jet Proplusion Laboratory

Image of Tom Cwik

Tom Cwik

Chief Technologist, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Image of George Djorgovski

George Djorgovski

Professor of Astronomy, California Institute of Technology

Image of Bethany Ehlmann

Bethany Ehlmann

Professor of Planetary Science, California Institute of Technology

Image of Charles Lawrence

Charles Lawrence

Directorate Scientist for Astronomy and Physics, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Image of Rosaly Lopes

Rosaly Lopes

Deputy Director for the Planetary Science Directorate, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Jonathan Lunine

Jonathan Lunine

Chief Scientist, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Image of Austin Minnich

Austin Minnich

Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Physics, Caltech

Image of Jessica Neu

Jessica Neu

Associate Directorate Scientist for Earth Science and Technology, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Image of Mark Simons

Mark Simons

Professor of Geophysics, Caltech

Image of Yuk Yung

Yuk Yung

Professor of Planetary Science; JPL Senior Research Scientist