The lunar surface is a compelling opportunity for large, distributed optical facilities, with advantages over orbital facilities for high-spatial-resolution scientific applications. This KISS Study program will establish the feasibility of mission concepts that can be realistically developed in the near term, within existing funding lines.
The workshop on "Metasurfaces for Exoplanet Detection and High-Contrast Imaging" aims to convene a diverse group of researchers, including end-users, designers, fabricators, and metrology experts, to explore and advance the application of metasurface optics in the field of astronomy and high-resolution imaging.
This study will chart a course for the new field of planetary particle environment observation and observation-guided modeling.
The focus of this study is on new concepts for interferometric observations for exoplanet research including how new micro-thruster technologies and innovative, new low cost spacecraft might enable separated spacecraft concepts such as the new Large Interferometer for Exoplanets (LIFE) mission now under study by ESA.
The goal of this study is to explore approaches to the next-generation planetary radar capable of providing compelling science and complementing and motivating NASA science missions as well as potentially providing NASA mission assurance by being able to track spacecraft.
A goal of the KISS study is to explore fundamental questions in black hole physics, to review the science motivation for event horizon scale probes, to assess and explore techniques to connect observations to the underlying black hole physics, and to evaluate what ancillary science might be possible with future space-enhancements to Earth-based arrays like the EHT.
The goals of this study program are to identify new science missions enabled by a nebula; to quantify benefit to traditional, existing, and planned science missions; to identify candidate mission architectures and demonstration milestones for follow on proposal development for all participants.
The focus of the study is new approaches toward the search for intelligent life elsewhere in the Universe. We will explore the possible paths for a systematic exploration of observable parameter spaces derived from the modern sky surveys, using machine learning and other computational tools.
The space-based gravitational-wave observatory LISA will offer unparalleled science returns, including a view of massive black-hole mergers to high redshifts, precision tests of general relativity and black-hole structure, a census of thousands of compact binaries in the Galaxy, and the possibility of detecting stochastic signals from the early Universe. The broad objective of this study program is to imagine how evolved or rethought data-analysis algorithms and source-modeling codes will solve the LISA science analysis on the computers of the future.
This study will address the design and concept of future Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) experiments and in particular a future CMB satellite to extract cosmological information from the polarized CMB photons. The research will aim at deriving forecasts of the optimal (instrumental and observational) parameters of future CMB experiments, considering technical and hardware aspects along with theoretical modeling, astrophysics and statistics.
This workshop seeks to address several questions related to the development of statistically grounded strategies for detecting faint signals in the presence of both coherent and incoherent backgrounds.
This study will bring together space scientists, technologists, and mission designers across two workshops to understand the current limitations faced by SmallSat science missions stemming from the communication bottleneck, and together craft novel technical approaches for optical data transfer that significantly enhances the quality and volume of data returned by these missions.
The goal of this program is to formulate space applications and mission concepts enabled by optical frequency comb technology and to identify high priority technology challenges and gaps that need to be addressed to implement these missions.
The purpose of this study program is to generate new ideas for new observations that can be used to constrain models and develop requirements for future instruments and space missions.
The technical challenge and the focus of the study is to assess mission implementation techniques that will enable affordable robotic probes to reach the ISM within 10 years.
The goal of this study is to identify science observational/experimental projects that are uniquely addressed by airship vehicles, and determine which of these science goals could be simultaneously accommodated in one platform.
This study will assess the current state of knowledge about planetary magnetic fields, track the progress of the new ground-based instruments and develop observing strategies from existing optical/UV telescopes.
Our technical goal is to develop a few realistic, benchmark problems on which the methods can be compared, keeping in mind computational resources and available architectures.
The goal of this study is to create a new paradigm in UV/Optical instrument design, detector technology, and optics to form the foundation for the next generation of UV/Optical missions.
This study is structured around the principal theme of diffuse spectral radio/mm/sub-mm observations that target atomic and molecular lines as tracers of matter in the pre- and inter-galactic medium and early structures.
This study was designed to significantly advance the capability to build single photon counting array detectors at submillimeter to ultraviolet wavelengths for astronomy, including optical single photon detectors for communications.
This program aims to take a fresh look at exoplanet characterization science from the point of view of new instruments that could do breakthrough science or that could pave the way for the next generation of space missions.
The objective of this program is to explore the science that would be enabled by large MMIC arrays for cosmology, astrophysics, planetary science, atmospheric science, and remote sensing of the Earth.
The aim of this program is to analyze the state of the art in optical and RF apertures and to make a lasting impact on the field of large space apertures.
The goals of this mini-program are to bring together diverse theoretical and observational perspectives on dark matter particle candidates and their properties, astrophysical expressions, and the observations today and in the future that may solve the problem of the nature of dark matter.
This study is a forum to explore new concepts that enable major scientific advances at modest cost in the far-IR / submm spectral range.