Workshop Presentations
Tony Readhead Caltech
Overview of Study Program
Charles Lawrence JPL
Overview of Study Program
Mark Allen JPL
High Spectral Resolution Systems for Solar System Exploration at Frequencies up to 600 GHz
Clive Dickinson IPAC
Measuring foregrounds for future CMB experiments
Sarah Church Stanford University
Measurements of the CMB and other continuum signals with coherent arrays
Paul Goldsmith JPL
Astronomical spectroscopy at millimeter and sub-millimeter wavelengths
Bjorn Lambrigtsen JPL
Earth Remote Sensing Applications with Microwave Array Spectrometers
Andrew Lange Caltech
Bolometric vs. MMIC arrays for CMB Science
Jonas Zmuidzinas Caltech
Fundamental sensitivity limits for coherent and direct detection
State of the Art and Future Possibilities for Receivers - Device/Circuit/MMIC Level
Patty Chang-Chien Northrop Grumman
3D Integration Using Wafer-level Packaging
Miro Micovic HRL Labs
High power W-band GaN MMICs
Mo Missous University of Manchester
Metal-semiconductor interfaces: towards quantum limited MMIC performances at sub-millimeter wave frequencies
Marian Pospieszalski NRAO
What we know and do not know about cryogenic HEMT’s
Peter Wilkinson University of Manchester
European R&D on multi-purpose cameras: the APRICOT programme
State of the Art and Future Possibilities for Receivers - Module or Multi-Chip Level
Todd Gaier JPL
MMIC Technology Prospects for Large Arrays
Chris Groppi University of Arizona
Supercam: A 64-Beam Heterodyne Array for the 870-micron Atmospheric Window
Danielle Kettle University of Manchester
Ka-Band MMIC Radiometer: experiences and future in Radio Astronomy
Richard Lai Northrop Grumman
Recent NGST HEMT Device & MMIC Development
Matt Morgan NRAO
NRAO MMIC-Based Receiver Developments for the Next Decade of Radio Astronomy
Sandy Weinreb Caltech
Prospects in Semiconductors for Focal Plane Arrays
State of the Art and Future Possibilities for Receivers - Instrument Level
Neal Erickson slides via Paul Goldsmith
MMIC Receiver Systems Developed at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Keith Grainge
Technological Requirements for a next generation SZ Imager
Mike Seiffert JPL
Primordial Inflation Telescope (PILOT) - a MMIC based polarimeter mission concept for measuring Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization
Ghassan Yassin University of Oxford
Novel Technology for Ultra-Sensitive Cosmology Instruments
State of the Art and Future Possibilities for Digital Back Ends
Larry D'Addario JPL
Overview of Digital Signal Processing for Imaging and Spectroscopy
Dave Hawkins Caltech
FPGA Interfacing and Signal Processing
Chris Ruf University of Michigan
Digital Correlators for Spaceborne Earth Remote Sensing: Current Status and Near Term Technology Development
Dan Werthimer UC Berkeley
CASPER Collaboration for Digital Backends